Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you use cry it out/extinction?

    First and foremost, I like to look at sleep holistically. There are SO many other areas to sleep that can dramatically improve sleep, before we even touch the surface of the actual settling method. So I take into consideration the biological needs of your Bub as per their age, their little individual temperament and your core parenting values, making any tweaks or changes to sleep hygiene that might be needed.

    THEN implementing further sleep training methods if needed - All of which are in-room strategies specifically tailored to your individual circumstances.

  • Do you support bed-sharing?

    Bed-sharing comes with a lot of things to unpack. I think there is often an assumption that Sleep Consultants won’t support it. But if you’re making an educated decision to bed-share and everyone sleeps better that way, then I will support you to do that.

    But we also have to address reactive bed-sharing, where it not exactly the goal or it’s not exactly working (no one is sleeping well) but it’s happening as a means of survival when sleep is so SHIT.

    In this case, it’s not often following safe bed-sharing practices or of the known risks. So, I just ensure that you know how to do it in the safest way possible and let you make the educated decision as the Mama bear that you are.

  • When is the right time to sleep train my baby?

    When you’re ready!!
    I like to think of it more as Sleep Learning - It’s a continuous thing. Sleep learning is like self care. It’s something that needs to be nurtured within. There isn’t really a “perfect” time. No perfect age or stage. But the power is in when you NEED to make changes and you’re READY for change PWOAH - that’s when you invest in Tam at Snuggle Bunny Sleep School to tailor a plan specifically for you, set you up with a good dose of confidence and have her be your biggest cheerleader. After all, she cares about you and your little buns sleep just as much as you do.

  • What if sleep training doesn't work?

    Firstly, it’s important to understand if your sleep training goals are realistic and age appropriate. I wont sugar coat things though - I am always pretty upfront about the realistic goals you can set and achieve.

    But if you follow your plan and remain consistent throughout the support period by following along and fully utilizing the email support with Tam… your bubs sleep WILL improve and your goals will be met.

  • Do you offer payment plans?

    I know that times can be a little challenging at the moment, so I am 1000% happy to work out a payment plan or option to suit you.

    I offer Paypal which has the Pay in 4 option. But if you are needing another arrangement, please don’t hesitate to reach out and email me, Tam at

  • What is the process?

    You can head to my 1:1 Sleep Consults page and select any consultation to be guided through the whole process for that specific consult. I have a range of different consultations to hopefully suit each families wants and needs.

    If you are unsure - Book in a free 15 min chat.

  • Do I need to take time off work or stay home for the duration of support??

    No, Mama!
    You still need to live life and your Bub’s sleep does need to slot in with that real life stuff. Yes, it will help heaps if you can be a little bit flexible and move appointments and things around to favor naps when and where possible but it’s 100% encouraged to still do the things…

    I do however recommend avoiding any sleepovers during this time, if possible, to remain consistent.

  • What does the support period actually involve?

    Support is generally through Whatsapp where we can utilize chat and voice messages. I touch base frequently with you through the support period and you’re required to fill out detailed logs every so often as this is a really good chance for me to really hone in on further support and suggestions.

    I do tell Mama’s that the rest is in their hands with the number of questions and check in’s they do in addition to that.

  • Is there crying involved?

    Yes. But the amount is dependent on a few things and different for each family and Bub (we have temperaments and personalities to consider).

    I will also talk a lot about our mind frame around sleep because when WE aren’t feeling confident and comfortable with sleep stuff, this can intensify things too.

    However, It is normal to experience some crying when your Bub is learning sleep - it’s their main way of communication.

    Will I help you minimise crying where possible? Heck yes!!

  • What if my babe becomes sick during the support period?

    These things happen and I’m 100% flexible in postponing the support while your little one gets better. Just let me know, we put a pause on things and get back on track when your little one is feeling better again.