About Tam at Snuggle Bunny Sleep School

Hey Mama,

I’m Tam. I became a Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant in 2022 and I am the face behind Snuggle Bunny Sleep School.

I am not just your average sleep consultant, but I am an extremely passionate and supportive person when it comes to motherhood and sleep deprivation.

My whole purpose here is to leave Mama’s, just like you, feeling confident with their Babe’s sleep.

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The Basics:

I am a 90’s Babe. And if you enjoy astrology, I am a Capricorn sun / Sagittarius moon.

I am a Mama to three. I became a Mum at 21. My little buns are currently 9, 7 and 2. You can read my motherhood journey below.

I live on the border of VIC & NSW. I offer home consults to Albury/Wodonga & Surrounds. But DW, if you live elsewhere, I have many virtual consults for you too.

I have been with my partner for 13 years. We were best friends throughout high school and have always been inseparable.

  • I became a Mama at 21 to a beautiful little boy. I had always wanted to be a Mum, and as soon as he entered the world, I was fiercely in love and PROTECTIVE.

    I kept him close and never let him too far from my reach. We were inseparable. I absolutely adored breastfeeding him despite the enormous troubles I went to, to breastfeed for 6 months. I savored all those snuggles, and I can proudly say that I didn’t miss a single moment of our early days.

    But that’s because sleep was a big priority and I worked hard to make sure we set up those healthy sleep foundations from very early on. I honestly couldn’t have savored all those small snippets of motherhood without getting adequate sleep.

    Just short of 2 years later, I welcomed my second Babe, a daughter into the world. And that night was the first night I’d ever spent away from my son. What a whirl wind of emotions that was.

    Her first year was also spent inseparable… breastfeeding and soaking up snuggles in amongst the chaos of chasing after a very WILD 2-year-old boy, who I still could barely let out of might sight.

    My third Babe arrived the day before my first born turned 7. We had somehow landed three babies born in the month of May (2014, 2016 and 2021).

    The first year of her life was a completely new territory for me as we battled extremely severe eczema and pinpointing her allergies and intolerance’s. Again, I was determined to breastfeed her and snuggle her as often as I could. And I did… I gave up all the food groups needed in order to continue that. (It took years, but we eventually pinpointed her allergies and intolerances and we can now manage them). And she was also strapped to my chest more often than not whilst tending to the other Babe’s.

    But I guess the pinnacle of my motherhood journey was that I was fiercely THERE. I couldn’t bare not to be. So because of that, Sleep was such a priority for me. Sleep was the only time we spent apart. And sleep is what allowed me to be the present and capable Mama (I was AND am) during the day.

    So when it comes to supporting families within my business, this is my main drive… To be able to find that balance so that you actually can savor and enjoy those moments, rather than dread them.

  • When I left school, I completed my hairdressing apprenticeship, and I spent 10 years in the industry whilst having a year off each time I had a baby. My little introverted soul found it an incredibly draining job and I always found it hard to go back to when my maternity leave was up.

    However, growing up I always knew I wanted to be a Mum. And since I had my first Babe in 2014, I have absolutely adored everything about motherhood and parenting. All things real and raw parenting – No sugar coating s*** here.

    There were a few fellow Sleep Consultants that I looked up to for years and it was always just one of those things I’d have loved to do but was too afraid to admit.

    I never considered myself “able” to change my mind about my career. And I knew I struggled SO much navigating part-time hairdressing with kids, so I thought I was out of my mind to think I’d be able to work part-time, be a Mum AND study sleep where I’d eventually run my own business too.

    Fast forward to the beginning of 2022, and I was gearing up to return to hairdressing after my 3rd stint of maternity leave. And I just couldn’t…

    After much self-doubt and second-guessing, I finally decided to just take the leap. To be honest, It took me a lot of personal work to accept change and invest in something like this. I was so scared of failing, of finding the juggle too hard, scared of using our family’s money on something for me. It was such a big leap for me… I don’t take this s*** lightly.

  • Once I finally took that leap…

    I realized that this wasn’t a hard feat at all, because I am living in alignment with my souls’ purpose.

    Studying to become a Sleep Consultant whilst juggling all the other things was an absolute breeze. And so has running my own business… Because I absolutely adore everything about it. The passion is there and I couldn’t be MORE obsessed.

    I get to spend my days supporting other Mama’s on their parenting journey. I get to connect with so many like minded people and I just love that.

    • I believe that Sleep is a skill to be nurtured. It’s like self-care, we need to prioritize sleep and revisit healthy sleep foundations often. Not just for our babies and children, but for us too because it plays such a MASSIVE role in everyone’s life.

    • I believe that EVERYONE needs and deserves good sleep.

    • I believe that every family comes with their own important values and circumstances and that not a 1 size fits all when it comes to sleep solutions.

    • I believe in working WITH families in a way that 100% supports their philosophy, that includes bedsharing and all the things. So long as you make your own informed decisions - I will 100% support that.

    • I believe that sleep is so much more than the settling strategy. It’s also about feeding/nutrition, environment, routine, working along temperaments and parenting styles. And so much more.

    • I believe you can dramatically improve sleep quality without even altering your settling strategy and that often the settling is the icing on the cake to a sleep solution (but not always needed).

    • I believe you can ALWAYS find a balance between independent sleep AND snuggles to sleep. And will always promote the contact naps, the feeds to sleep etc.
