Allergies, Intolerances & Sleep


Allergies and intolerances impact sleep in a big way; causing pain and discomfort that we often can't see on the surface.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Snoring & congestion that's not linked with general sicknesses.

  • Skin issues such as hives and eczema.

  • Bloody, mucousy, loose or frothy poo's.

  • Constipation

  • Excessive pain and wind

  • Very unsettled

  • Behavioral issues (in older children)

  • Anaphylaxis or swelling

  • Frequent vomiting

Top allergens:

  • Dairy

  • Soy

  • Nuts

  • Peanuts

  • Fish

  • Eggs

  • Wheat

  • Sesame

  • But it's 100% possible to have intolerances and allergies to all other food and additives, as well as environmental.

Allergies and intolerances are something that can often get overlooked or labelled “mild” which gives us the impression that it doesn’t need to be fixed. But if your Bub is experiencing any other the above symptoms then I strongly believe that their allergies and intolerances need solutions and not band aids so keep advocating for your Babe, mama. Get 2nd or 3rd options, go and see an naturopath who will want to get the bottom of these things with you. And keep searching until you have an answer, because you will get one.

Our little personal story with Allergies and Intolerances:

This is a topic I could speak about for hours as I've done the excessive work (& continue to do so) to pinpoint what my daughters' triggers are so that she can live a life with as little pain and discomfort as possible. In hindsight, she was often a snotty newborn and would vomit excessively but otherwise she was happy and content those first few months, so those two things alone weren't cause for concern for me.

The other issues started when she was about 3 months old when she broke out in a rash around her neck that became infected & from there, she battled eczema severely for months and months. She also had the blood and mucousy poo. I cut out dairy (among a number of other food groups for periods of time) in order to continue to breastfeed her for a full year & we took the introduction to solids very cautiously. It was back and forth seeing different health professionals, some who thought it was just her dodgey skin, some suggesting cutting different food groups as trial and error. I finally found someone willing to do testing & had her tested for intolerances. The results came back as severely intolerant to rice & corn, among a few other mild/moderate intolerances. It all made so much sense and as soon as both Harlow and I cut these things, her skin was CLEAR and has since been pretty clear unless we've slipped up. Fast forward when she was about 18 months - we started the dairy ladder.

Which she recently failed on the fourth step (cheese) where she had a immediate allergic reaction and swelling to her lips. Thankfully, with her history, we were closely monitoring her intro to cheese and took the immediate steps needed. A recent skin prick test confirmed moderate allergy.. (that she will hopefully outgrow). If I have learned anything during this whole experience, its to trust your gut. There have been many moments where I have felt absolutely ridiculous for continuing to breastfeed her after the "maybe your milk is just bad" comments, or that she's just got sensitive skin and to suck it up. I've often felt like people thought I was over-reacting and being pedantic but my instincts have always been very strong with this. I've had to advocate for her a lot and keep trying to find the answers (I knew there were answers). So Mama, if your baby shows any signs of intolerances or allergies and you are worried - seek more answeres, see someone else, try a new health care provider until someone listens.


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